Energy solutions tailored to your needs

PERA is a proactive forward-thinking business that is dedicated to delivering sustainable infrastructure solutions for building, housing, and land development projects with minimal or no CAPEX from you by offering lucrative Power Purchase Agreements, Leasing options or Energy Service Agreements.

Choosing PERA as your one-source supplier will significantly increase your efficiency and cost-effectiveness, saving you valuable time and resources. With our commitment to sustainability and minimizing our impact on the environment, we help our clients achieve their sustainability goals while maximizing returns on their investments.

Large Scale Solar PHOTO VOLTAIC Parks

Our Large Scale PV Parks are designed to be highly efficient and cost-effective, and offer a reliable, long-term source of renewable energy. They can be customized to meet the specific needs of each customer and can be integrated with other hybrid renewable energy sources, such as battery storage, wind, and hydro for even greater energy production.


Residential & Commercial Solar Solutions

Commercial Residential solar and battery systems allow property owners to generate their own electricity and will reduce their reliance on the traditional power grid if utilised correctly. They can also provide backup power during power outages. These systems can be installed upfront at no cost on a PPA agreement ranging between 10-20 years or purchased outright.

Residential & Commercial Battery Solutions

Commercial Residential solar and battery systems allow property owners to generate their own electricity and will reduce their reliance on the traditional power grid if utilised correctly. They can also provide backup power during power outages. These systems can be installed upfront at no cost on a PPA agreement ranging between 10-20 years or purchased outright.


Working with land and property developers we specialise in creating sustainable infrastructure for commercial and housing precincts that minimize their impact on the environment and reliance on fossil fuels to overall reduce energy consumption. Our ‘Turnkey’ solutions include a variety of services that are designed to help you achieve up to an 8 Star energy rating with accolades and recognition in Australia.


Our Solar Lighting solutions meet all Australian lighting standards for Public Streets & Roadways, Sporting fields, Pathways and all public areas and several Councils and local government agencies have implemented our light solutions across Australia.



We offer true Dedicated CCTV (closed-circuit television) systems that are designed to be used in housing and commercial estates, buildings, community spaces and carparks.


A VPP is essentially a network of smaller, decentralized power sources which include rooftop solar and battery storage systems that can be aggregated and coordinated to function as a single power plant. This means that instead of relying on a single large-scale power plant, a VPP can harness the power of many smaller sources to meet energy demand.


Installing EV chargers offer benefits of increased property value, financial and environmental benefits, future proofing homes and developments, revenue opportunities, they encourage EV ownership and promotes a sense of community and clean energy awareness for the residents.

Get in touch

Find out more about PERA and how we can achieve the right solution for you.

Fill in our form and we’ll be in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Call Gary: 0413 722 792

Call Tim: 0401 544 060